Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Finally Getting Started...And a Little Bit About Why...

I suppose this is going to be combination of two separate posts I wanted to make over the past few days.

Im living in Louisiana right now so I have just got back from evacuating due to Gustav. And, have been working everyday since I got back.

Its been pretty rough but Im still on course.

To start, I want to talk about my motivations and what Im trying to accomplish. Truly, with this blog and the program, I want to accomplish 3 things.

Its pretty much the same 3 things that everyone wants...good health, prosperity, and sound relationships.

So, to accomplish benefits in those areas, I have sourced out different products and programs, and lifestyle changes that hit on everything from emotional balance, to physical health, and even some forms of spiritual growth.

I will touch on the things that I do everyday in the coming days and weeks. Right now, i just want to lay some of the ground work.

For some reason, I've always been hellbent on finding a better path. I have always felt deeply that a better path lay ahead...BUT...I would have to find it...or...more so even...create it. My life, like many, hasnt been easy, for one reason or another.

I have suffered from low self esteem for most of my life. I was a weak, skinny kid and I have always felt the worse for it. I didnt really get picked on after a certain point, but I still suffered, feeling that I wasnt good enough.

Not only was my confidence low, but I was always sick. My health was terrible.
Well, as I grew older, I somewhat began to snap out of that state. But, I have always walked the tight rope between feeling good about myself and then not feeling so good.
This has always been a struggle.

Despite being sick, weak, skinny, and lacking confidence...I have always FELT that something was missing. That things would change if and only if I were to initiate the changes myself.
It was that feeling that has always been the key for me. It has literally kept me alive.
Always searching.

Now, through my most recent struggles, I finally feel like I've come full circle in regards to my childhood and young adult life.

I intend to start a new life. Thats where I am now.

The system, the ideas, the path that I follow is powerful. It is a system of practices meant to achieve many things. Body detoxification, energetic and emotional cleansing, steady increases in strength, and mental focus are just a few things that I try to touch upon in my daily life.

I have reached amazing states of vitality in the past and wish to do so again.

Thats why I am here. The purpose of this blog really is as a way to document the steps I take and the results I get.

My aim is to change myself. To become the man I see myself as. The strong, intelligent, charismatic and focused man I have always wanted to be.

I welcome anyone who wants to join in and participate in this with me.

Peace, Love, and Light!

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